Temporary Maintenance Announcement

2020-03-18 18:23:23

Dear Commanders,
It has come to our attention that some Commanders on the Dark Cave server (which is currently hosting the Departing Braves and The Empire's Hope summoning banners) have been able to summon the following heroes, who have yet to be released in the current version: Gizarof, Wiler, and Serena. As the above heroes were originally scheduled to enter the game in the next expansion, some skills and factions for the above heroes are not available in the current version. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this error may have caused.
In order to correct this error, we will initiate a temporary offline maintenance at 19:00:00 (GMT + 7). After the maintenance, we will provide specific compensation to all affected players. If you have already summoned the above heroes, you will be able to continue using them. Their corresponding skills and factions will be officially added to the game when the next update is launched. During the maintenance period, you will not be able to log into the game. Please make sure you end all battles before the maintenance starts in order to avoid losing any progress.
[Maintenance Period] 19:00:00-20:00:00 (GMT+7)
[Affected Servers] Dark Cave
[Maintenance Content]:
1. Gizarof, Wiler, and Serena will be deleted from the list of heroes summonable from current summoning banners.
[Compensation Plan]:
Players who summoned the above heroes will be compensated as follows:
Gizarof: 10 Trinity Vouchers
Wiler: 10 Trinity Vouchers
Serena: 5 Trinity Vouchers
Note: Compensation will not be affected by the number of times each individual hero was summoned.
(For Example: If you summoned Gizarof 1 time, you will receive 10 Trinity Vouchers. If you summoned Gizarof 2 times, you will also receive 10 Trinity Vouchers.)
[Maintenance Compensation] 2 Trinity Vouchers