Langrisser SEA's All-New Maiden Voyage Update Preview

2020-08-24 13:55:47
     As the battle between light and darkness rages on, heroes of different times descend upon El Sallia to heed the call of the ages.
     Great changes are coming to El Sallia, and on August 25th, the all-new Maiden Voyage update will finally arrive! Are you ready for a new challenge?
[New Heroes]
The all-new Maiden Voyage update is here! Setting out in pursuit of the light's will, new heroes Young Jessica and Emilia take center stage and embark on an epic mission!
[New Time Rift Stages]
Complete main story Chapter 50, and the Time Rift's Langrisser IV Prequel chapter will open up for you to explore. Complete it to get Hero Awakening materials, and take your first step on an all-new adventure!
[New World Map Events]
The new map event "Awaken, Other Me" will become available to players who have cleared Fragmented Story "Heart of Alhazard, Sword of Destruction". Through this event, you can experience Matthew's Lv. 2 Awakening Skill in advance.
[Secret Realm Store]
[Secret Realm Store] Special exclusive equipment items for even more heroes have been added to the Secret Realm Store:
SSR Zerida & SR Feraquea
     El Sallia is brimming with light and hope! Commanders! With so many great changes before you, the world is depending on you to push forward with everything you've got!