Ready for a Challenge? The Endless Corridor Beckons!

A roar echoes from the depths of Asgard — the Endless Corridor has opened! Are you ready for a new challenge?

You'll get 10 keys every day. If you succeed in the challenge, you can use 1 key to open 1 mysterious challenge chest and obtain huge amounts of Gold. You'll never know what awaits you in the next stage of the Endless Corridor, but you'll need to muster all of your strength and courage to take on whatever comes your way.

What's more, even an Endless Corridor challenge is not underway, you can still get special Endless Corridor bonuses.

When you have the Goddess' Favor and Eternal Blessing buffs, all rewards you receive will be doubled!

So, have you challenged the Endless Corridor yet? Go forth... and have fun!
