Special Recommendation—Key Heroes to Star Upgrade!

Chosen One! You must have already discovered the secret power of upgrading your heroes' Star Levels and breaking them through their ultimate limits... So, have you ever wondered which heroes you should prioritize when doing so? Today, let's take a look at what some of our veterans recommend!

[5-Star Upgrade Recommendation: Artemis]
Artemis's attack can ignore Guardian protection skills, and her skills can attack both single targets and groups.
When Artemis reaches 5 stars, she will only need to take action 3 times for her talent to ignore guard skills, and she can deal super-high physical damage to the enemy with the lowest HP one time!

[6-Star Upgrade Recommendation: Chang'e]
Chang'e can resist damage as well as heal. When at 6 stars, she can automatically cast Moon Lantern after entering battle, which can greatly limit the damage dealt by the enemy's first wave of attacks. She can also convert damage into healing, restoring HP to her team.
For her Perk, you can choose Seal of Wisdom—the amount of healing it provides is amazing!

[Limit Break Recommendation: Joan of Arc]
After her Limit Break, Joan of Arc can make defeated allies invincible, and the usage limit of this skill will increase to 2 times, greatly improving the survivability of her team.

*This guide is recommended for players who are already familiar with the game, and provides only several of many suggested upgrade directions.
