Learn how to form your own Princess Longji lineup!

Chosen One, have you summoned Princess Longji to your hero team? Today, we'd like to recommend a hero strategy created by a veteran adventurer!

Lineup Formation:
Priests: Hestia/Siren/Chang’e
Guardians: Joan of Arc/Dracula/Valkyrie
Damage Dealers: Gaia/Mulan/Sariel & Sera/Freya (requires Tears of the Nile)/ Artemis/Daphne
Gems: 12 Sagittarius (essential) + 8 Capricorn/Leo/Libra

Upgrade Strategy:
1. We recommend that you upgrade Princess Longji to more than 5 stars and prioritize increasing her STR stat.
2. Princess Longji is an Assassin who relies heavily on STR. All of her abilities and passives receive an additional bonus from STR, and high STR can trigger a reduction in the entire enemy team's damage.
3. Once you have enough STR, stack CRIT and EVADE in PvE, and for PvP, give her as much SPD as possible to ensure that she isn't controlled.
