Conquering the Endless Corridor: 3 Enemy Strategy

Today, we'd like to discuss a very tricky Endless Corridor stage with you. When up against three enemies, this is how you can claim victory!
[3-Enemy Lineup: Key Considerations]
The distribution of the enemy's HP varies greatly: Priests, Guardians, and Warriors have relatively high HP, while Assassins, Rangers, and Mages have relatively low HP.
There is perhaps just one important thing to remember about this stage: Usually key heroes like Chang'e, Joan of Arc, and Cleopatra will increase the stage difficulty.
All kinds of control effects and debuffs work on this stage: This includes freeze, petrify, silence, and taunt, among others.
[Detailed Tactical Analysis]
Generally speaking, when the enemy has a three-hero lineup, your side still has the numbers advantage. In order to reduce the difficulty of this challenge, make sure you control the key hero on the first turn.
