Conquering the Endless Corridor: 3 Shadow Enemy Super Strategy

Today, we'll be discussing the tactics and methods of conquering another 3-enemy formation in the Endless Corridor. When facing a Shadow element formation, follow this guide to claim victory!
[Clearance Concept]
Because there are no Shadow element Priests or Guardian, the 3-enemy Shadow team mainly consists of high burst damage Rangers, Assassins, and Mages, making it a relatively simple stage among the five elemental attributes.
Artemis is usually the toughest thing about this stage. As the enemy Artemis has the ability to negate Stealth, you should control Artemis and group attack Jester in the first turn. If possible, try to kill the enemy Artemis in the first turn.
Hero Lineup:
Artemis, Medusa, Lucifer, Hades, and Valkyrie.
Supporters: Gaia, Marco Polo, and Sariel & Sera.
On the first turn, your Artemis should stun the enemy Artemis, Medusa petrifies Jester, and Lucifer uses her ultimate to deal heavy damage to the enemy Artemis, taking her down to yellow HP, so that Hades can kill her directly. Then finally, Valkyrie can grant Hades an invincibility shield. In the next round, Artemis controls Jester, supporter Marco stuns Captain Kidd, Medusa uses her Super Skill, Lucifer uses her ultimate to take the enemy Jester down to low HP, and Hades kills Jester directly. In the third round, kill Captain Kidd to pass the stage.
