Dream Chronicle: SSS+ Difficulty Strategy Guide

Having trouble with high-difficulty Dream Chronicle stages? Don't worry—our veteran Chosen Ones have a secret strategy guide for you!
Tip: Today's recommended lineup is applicable to SSS+ difficulty stages featuring an enemy Abe no Seimei.

[Lineup Concept]
3 Assassins (Lilith + Lucifer + Jester) + 2 other heroes with Horns of Judgment.
Supporters: Pandora, Artemis, and Valkyrie.
Your Assassins' gear should be enhanced as much as possible, and your lineup should consist of 5 Dark Element heroes (including support heroes).

[Combat Concept]
1. The enemy's werewolves and chests will attack before you get a chance to act. All three of your Assassins will be stealthed, and your other heroes will be killed.
2. In the second round, continue to make sure that all three of your Assassins are stealthed and directly kill the enemy Tamamo-no-Mae.
3. In the third turn, your three Assassins will continue to remain stealthed after using their skills. It is recommended that you attack the enemy Abe no Seimei on this turn.
4. On your fourth turn, kill the enemy Abe no Seimei. At the same time, Artemis should stun the enemy butterfly from a support position.
5. Kill the enemy butterfly. Assassins use their skills and enter stealth.
6. Lucifer launches an attack. After the first slash, use Valkyrie from her support position to cast Intervene on Lucifer. At this time, the battle will almost be over. In odd rounds, Lucifer must remain stealthed. In even rounds, you can use Artemis to control enemies, or Valkyrie to shield Lucifer until you win.
