Temporary Maintenance

2020-07-02 17:14:27
Dear Chosen One:
     A dark aura in the distance suddenly grows stronger, blowing an ill wind across the land... The natural law of Asgard is on the verge of collapse... The Holy Court has no recourse but to use the power of holy magic to repair the Ward of Genesis at 06:00 (GMT +7) on July 3rd to suppress the invading waves of evil. During this period, you will be unable to enter the game, Chosen One. Please inform your allies and prepare to be disconnected in advance.
[Maintenance Time]  July 3rd 06:00 (GMT+7). The maintenance is expected to take around 90 minutes to complete.
[Maintenance Servers] All Servers
[Maintenance Compensation] 1x Destiny Tarot, 100,000 Gold
[Maintenance Content]
Fixed the abnormal cooldown error in Guild War
     The light of the holy artifacts will shine again, and order shall soon be restored to the land of Asgard. The Goddess has great things planned for you. May the fire in your soul forever burn brightly!     
The Holy Court
July 2nd 2020