Recommended 5+3 Team Formation

2020-06-08 09:29:37
Each hero in Goddess of Genesis has their own elemental attribute, and in combat, these elements affect each other in different ways. This makes selecting the perfect hero lineup a strategic challenge of great significance. We hope this guide will help you to come up with some new ideas of your own!
There are 5 combat positions and 3 supporter positions in each battle. The following lineup strategies are based on this "5 + 3” formation concept in which all slots are occupied.
Concept 1: [5 Fire Heroes + 3 Water Heroes]
Elemental Bonus: All allies' CRIT +30%, and P-EVA & M-EVA +10%.
Recommended Combat Heroes: Michael + Gabriel + Hattori Hanzo + Abe no Seimei + Apollo.
Recommended Supporter Heroes: Cupid + Venus + Dracula
Overall Logic: This lineup takes into account both single-target and group attack potential. Michael can handle your single-target needs, while Hattori Hanzo and Abe no Seimei are responsible for group attacks and group control duties, allowing you to deal continuous damage.
Cons: This lineup depends heavily on speed. If you can't wipe out your opponents quickly, you may find yourself in trouble. The lack of a Guardian or healer means it is innately unsuitable for protracted battles.
Concept 2: [5 Fire Heroes + 3 Earth Heroes]
Elemental Bonus: All allies' CRIT +30%, and all allies' BLK +15%.
Recommended Combat Heroes: Michael + Valkyrie + Athena + Apollo + Hattori Hanzo.
Recommended Supporter Heroes: Dracula + Little Red Riding Hood + Medusa.
Overall Logic: Unlike the previous formation, this lineup features a Guardian and healer, granting it considerably greater survivability, while lending consideration to both single-target and group attacks.
Cons: You'll need to pay special attention to Athena and Hattori Hanzo's survival when using this lineup. If these two heroes are defeated, your team won't stand a chance.
Concept 3: [5 Earth Heroes + 3 Fire Heroes]
Elemental Bonus: All allies' BLK & CRIT +15%.
Recommended Combat Heroes: Lucifer + Medusa + Athena + Loki + Valkyrie.
Recommended Supporter Heroes: Apollo + Michael + Dracula.
Overall Logic: This lineup can trigger [Poison] and [Ignite] statuses, and Apollo's mass dispelling ability affords your team an additional layer of security.
Cons: You may find yourself lacking Energy, and will need to cast abilities wisely. In addition, Earth element teams are easily countered, and it will be difficult to use this lineup when faced with a Fire element team.
Alternative Concept: [PvE Lineup Recommendation]
Recommended Combat Heroes: Abe no Seimei + Merlin + Dracula + Hattori Hanzo + Michael
Recommended Supporter Heroes: Apollo + Venus + Little Red Riding Hood
Overall Logic: Using Merlin as the main attacker (group abilities), Abe no Seimei's control (Freeze), Hattori Hanzo's damage, and Michael's execution capacity, this lineup can be used to blitz through stages with ease.
We hope these strategies have given you something to think about, and we look forward to seeing your unique lineups on the battlefield!