The Endless Corridor Challenge: 1-Enemy Attack Strategy

2020-07-30 13:45:38

Chosen One! Have you explored the mysteries of the Endless Corridor yet? The Endless Corridor can be divided into four modes: 1 enemy, 3 enemies, 5 enemies, and 7 enemies. Each type of lineup requires different strategies. Today, we'll take a look at ways to clear 1-enemy challenges!

[Enemy Lineup: Poseidon Clearance Recommendation]
Combat Heroes: Medusa, Michael, Valkyrie, Hades, and Athena.
Supporters: Vivian, Little Red, and Mulan.

[Enemy Lineup: Dracula Clearance Recommendation]
Combat Heroes: Lucifer, Poseidon, Valkyrie, Hades, and Athena.
Supporters: Vivian, Little Red, and Mulan.

[Enemy Lineup: Gabriel/Apollo Clearance Recommendation]
Combat Heroes: Lucifer, Loki, Artemis, Michael, and Hades.
Supporters: Vivian, Little Red, and Mulan.

[Enemy Lineup: Mary Clearance Recommendation]
Combat Heroes: Lucifer, Valkyrie, Medusa, Lancelot, and Hades.
Supporters: Vivian, Little Red, and Mulan.

[Enemy Lineup: Chang'e Clearance Recommendation]
Combat Heroes: Medusa, Valkyrie, Artemis, Michael, and Michelin.
Supporters: Vivian, Little Red, and Mulan.