Holy Temple Trial Behemoth Boss - 100 Soul Fire Guide!

2021-01-05 13:00:00

Chosen Ones! Today, we have a special guide for you for clearing the Guild Holy Temple Trial boss, Behemoth, while acquiring 100 Soul Fires!

[Battle Lineup]
Chang'e (Assist: Cleopatra)
Medusa (Assist: Gabriel)
Artemis (Assist: Mary)
Lucifer (Assist: Michael)
Gaia (Assist: Joan of Arc)
Support Slots: Sariel & Sera, Hestia, and Lilith.

[Boss Analysis]
Guild Boss Behemoth has two attack abilities—one is a normal attack, and the other is Death Ray: Deals 100% damage to all enemies 2 times (huge AoE damage). The boss is immune to freeze, stun, sleep, and petrify. After the boss takes action, it inflicts Oblivion on 1 random enemy: Character takes damage upon taking action (excluding Guard).

[Key Strategic Considerations]
Chang'e can use non-stop basic attacks. Keep silence up on the boss while Medusa continuously poisons it. Gaia can use her passive to keep damage high, and deal damage along with Artemis and Lucifer. As long as you maintain silence, Behemoth should be a piece of cake! Finally, we wish you all 100 Soul Fires in your next battle!