Conquering the Endless Corridor: 3 Earth Enemy Super Strategy

2021-01-19 13:00:00

It's good to see you, Chosen One! Today, we'll continue discussing strategies to break through the Endless Corridor! When up against three Earth element enemies, try this lineup recommended by veteran players!

[Enemy Analysis]
Because there are a wide range of Earth element heroes, there are many ways in which you can tackle this challenge. The most common combinations are as follows: (1) Priest + Guardian (Athena + Gawain), (2) Ranger + Guardian (Cleopatra + Gawain or Cleopatra + Valkyrie), (3) Ranger + AoE Mage (Robin Hood + Loki), (4) Ranger + Priest (Robin Hood + Wind Hero).

[Lineup Recommendation 1]
Recommended Combat Heroes: Artemis, Valkyrie, Lancelot, Lucifer, and Hades.
Supporters: Medusa, Marco Polo, and Sariel & Sera.
Tips: Lucifer (Lilith Assist), Lancelot (Cleopatra Assist), Valkyrie (Hestia Assist), and other assist heroes can be used depending on the situation.

[Lineup Recommendation 2]
Recommended Combat Heroes: Artemis, Valkyrie, Lancelot, Lucifer, and Hades.
Supporters: Medusa, Marco Polo, and Sariel & Sera.
Tips: Lucifer (Lilith Assist), Lancelot (Cleopatra Assist), Valkyrie (Hestia Assist), and other assist heroes can be used depending on the situation. Artemis should be equipped with Edge of Doom and Lancelot should mainly use his Ultimate.